Life without a drop


The rain drops were crossing my way
Just then a thought crossed my mind
O dear drops you went up to the sky
You soared up very high
Didn’t you touch the skies
But now you fall into the land
Onto the sand
In the muds beneath my legs
Roaming about here and there
Without any care
Once you were at the peak
Now you lie without any heed
Aren’t you defeated now
When once you were superior I asked

The drops strange to tell replied
My dear son I lost my superiority
I fell to the sands to give you your life
For without me you and mother earth
Would simply remain latent and unborn
But for my presence your life shall dry to a trickle
Yes I might be defeated by the skies
But my loss gives you your life your entire life
I felt a desire to feel the drops
And wonder what would have been my
Life Without a drop


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