Life Is Short Be Real

                 LIFE IS SHORT BE REAL

Even if Life was long being real would still have been the fundamental goal for a piece of life. Being true to its nature, loyal to its purpose, sincere to the voice within are all pretty natural things which a human being must constantly practice irrespective of all odds.

Don’t spend all your life building an image or brand rather to be a bit corporate instead of developing your own being, not that doing business is bad but doing business in a synthetic and toxic manner isn’t the wisest thing to do better be real and have more fulfillment and inclusiveness and let your image take care of itself.

Your life you might have known till now can change any moment and it isn’t very graceful to say but can even end the very next moment so why do you have to run after a flashy image, a mutilated reputation, more followers or any such meaningless concept which is always tempting never fulfilling.

Learning to just ‘Be There’ without any reward, punishment, pleasure and doing what really needs to be done without the lust for favourable outcome shall give meaning to life rather than pointlessly running the rat race or the rabbit race for a reward instead of a joyful process.

Only ‘Real is Real’ and nothing else therefore just be real with everyone and everything. Don’t let even an inch of treachery touch you and be as true as the winds, as clear as water in fresh streams and as real as it can get.

Because    Life is short spend it wisely
                   Life is short talk straight 
                   Life is short give it meaning
                   Life is short be purposeful 
                   Life is short make it useful

And remember it can be over the very next moment
Yet this should keep you “Grounded not Chained”

                   Life is short don’t put on masks  
                   Life is short leave showing off
                   Life is short don’t be fake

           Make up for your mistakes
            Break up with your bad habits
Don’t   Fake up who you are
Rather  Wake up to your life

                   Life is short make every second count  
                   Life is short take the risks 
                   Life is short don’t mourn for the misses 
                   Life is short  focus on the life within

                                      THE END



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