Social Entrepreneurship In India -Progress Made and Way Ahead

                                                        -PROGRESS MADE AND WAY AHEAD

In a developing nation like INDIA which has recently eloped to become the sixth biggest economy of the world displacing France the European powerhouse. The role of SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS AND SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP is as big as it can get. For a nation of around one and a quarter billion still about 276 million Indians lie below the poverty line i:e have  less than $1.25 per day on purchasing power parity.

The situation seems to improve gradually yet the numbers are substantial. Enough to easily speak out the need for social reforms, economic reforms and socio-economic reforms. The country’s situation demands a vital presence of a great number of social enterprises in a quality entrepreneurship ecosystem to meet the social, cultural and economic goals of a healthier, wealthier India.

The concept of SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP won’t fit in a definition appropriately yet it is broadly agreed to be “Use of ideas and products to form start-up companies in order to develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural or environmental issues.” SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP differs from conventional entrepreneurship in many fronts especially in terms of their operation they are either non-profit or blend for-profit goals with generating a positive ‘return to society’. SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP has a very crucial role to in areas such as poverty alleviation, health care and community development.

Who can forget Verghese Kurien , known as the 'Father of the White Revolution' in India, the social entrepreneur whose "billion-litre idea", Operation Flood – the world's largest agricultural dairy development programme, made dairy farming India's largest self-sustaining industry and the largest rural employment provider, being a third of all rural income, with benefits of raising incomes and credit, riddance of debt dependence, nutrition, education, health, gender parity and empowerment, breakdown of caste barriers and grassroots democracy and leadership. It made India the world's largest milk producer from a milk-deficient nation, which doubled milk available per person and increased milk output four-fold, in 30 years.

 Another gem of India Dr. M S Swaminathan  the social Entrepreneur renowned for his pivotal role in India's Green Revolution, a program under which high-yield varieties of wheat and rice seedlings were planted in the fields of poor farmers. Dr. Swaminathan is known as the "Father of Indian Green Revolution" for his leadership and success in introducing and further developing high-yielding varieties of wheat in India. Swaminathan is an advocate of moving India to sustainable development, especially using environmentally sustainable agriculture, sustainable food security and the preservation of biodiversity, which he call an "evergreen revolution”.


Indian Social Entrepreneurs like Jeroo Billmoria, Harish Hande, Sushmita Ghosh, Ajaita Shah and many others working swiftly yet silently towards nation building have features in common  They are all adventurous, daredevils who drive deep into the pressing problems of society and try to find solutions to them, not by leaving the responsibilities in the reins of the government or business, but by trying to change systems as a whole and persuading societies to take new initiatives.

SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURIAL organizations play a pivotal role in the progress of India in every field wheather it is Education, Health, Finance and all. In Mumbai alone non-profit organizations educate more than 2.5 lakh students, ‘Save The Children’  organisation is responsible for illuminating the lives of more than one crore children. Patients are treated, Children are educated, Farmers are helped, Rural development takes place lives are saved and life is given not only to people but to the nation itself.

With the initiatives like ‘Startup India’ and ‘Skill India’ the importance of SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP in India is dawning upon the Administration as well who have allowed such organizations to function under the government structure. Yet India has a long way to go simply because in the social sector issues are plenty like  illiteracy, Education, Basic hygiene, healthcare system, pollution, women’s safety, child sexual abuse,infrastructure,waste-management and all are in some way or the other linked,




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